

70点 イギリス M&S クリスマスジンジャーブレッド(クッキー) オルゴール M&S Gingerbread Musical House

< 商品名 >M&S:マークス&スペンサー(店名)Gingerbread:ジンジャーブレッドMusical House:音楽の家 < 値段 >M&S(マークス&スペンサー):£5.00(115g)【2023年11月】...

【Baby song 10】 久しき昔 Long long ago

< 歌詞 >Tell me the tales that to me were so dear,Long long ago, long long agoSing me the songs I delighted to hear...

【Baby song 9】 朝のおしたく This is the way

< 歌詞 >This is the way we wash our faceWash our face wash our faceThis is the way we wash our faceSo early in the ...

【Baby song 8】 幸せなら手をたたこう If You’re Happy and You Know It

< 歌詞 >If you're happy and you know itClap your hands (Clap, Clap)If you're happy and you know it,Clap your hands ...

【Baby song 7】 メリーさんの羊 Mary Had a Little Lamb

< 歌詞 >Mary had a little lambLittle lamb, little lamb,Mary had a little lambIts fleece was white as snow,子羊飼ってたメリー...

イギリス【Baby song 6】 ボートを漕ごう Row, Row, Row Your Boat

< 歌詞 >Row, row, row your boat,Gently down the stream.Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,Life is but a dream.ボートを漕...

イギリス【Baby song 5】 空に向かって手を伸ばそう Reach for the sky

< 歌詞 >Clap your hands, touch your toes,Turn around and put your finger on your nose.Flap your arms, jump up high,...

イギリス【Baby song 4】 ちいさな緑のカエル Little green frog

< 歌詞 >Mmm-mmm, went the little green frog one dayMmm-mmm, went the little green frogMmm-mmm, went the little gree...

イギリス【Baby song 3】 ある朝、学校に行った I went to school one morning

< 歌詞 >I went to school one morning and I walked like thisWalked like this, walked like thisI went to school one m...

イギリス【Baby song 2】 メェメェ黒ヒツジさん Baa Baa Black Sheep

< 歌詞 >Baa, baa, black sheep,Have you any wool?Yes, sir, yes, sir,Three bags full;One for the master,And one for t...