NHS (National Health Service)

NHS (National Health Service)

イギリス【NHS】 哺乳瓶の滅菌 Sterilising baby bottles

It's important to sterilise all your baby's feeding equipment, including bottles and teats, until they are at l...
NHS (National Health Service)

イギリス【NHS】 哺乳瓶育児のアドバイス Bottle feeding advice

If you're planning to bottle feed with expressed breast milk or infant formula, these tips will help you feed y...
NHS (National Health Service)

イギリス【NHS】 哺乳瓶育児の方法 How to bottle feed

How to bottle feed including how to make up formula.粉ミルクの作り方を含む、哺乳瓶育児の方法。 Bottle feeding advice:哺乳瓶育児のアドバイス ...

イギリス【NHS】 母乳の取り方と保存方法 Expressing and storing breast milk

Expressing milk means squeezing milk out of your breast so you can store it and feed it to your baby later.You ...
NHS (National Health Service)

イギリス【NHS】 授乳を中断する方法 How to stop breastfeeding

It's up to you and your baby to decide when you want to finish breastfeeding.母乳育児をいつ終了するかは、あなたと赤ちゃん次第です。 How...
NHS (National Health Service)

イギリス【NHS】 未熟児への授乳 Breastfeeding your premature baby

Your breast milk is important to your baby at any age. Giving your premature baby your breast milk benefits the...
NHS (National Health Service)

イギリス【NHS】 人前での授乳 Breastfeeding in public

Breastfeeding in public can mean breastfeeding in front of a relative or friend in your own home, or in a publi...
NHS (National Health Service)

イギリス【NHS】 授乳に関するヘルプとサポート Breastfeeding help and support

Get off to a good start with this guide offering help and support for breastfeeding.授乳をサポートするガイドブックで、良いスタートを切りま...
NHS (National Health Service)

イギリス【NHS】 授乳に関する質問と回答 Your breastfeeding questions answered

How often does my baby need to breastfeed?:赤ちゃんはどのくらいの頻度で授乳する必要があるか? All mothers and babies are different, a...
NHS (National Health Service)

イギリス【NHS】 授乳のメリット Benefits of breastfeeding

It's never too early to start thinking about how you're going to feed your baby. But you do not have to make up...