イギリス【NHS】 子供が事故に遭われた場合の対応 What to do if your child has an accident

What to do if your child has an accident
Find out what to do if your child has an accident. Advice about cuts, burns, shock, swallowing button batteries, electrocution and broken bones.

What to do if your child has an accident:子供が事故に遭われた場合の対応

Young children sometimes have injuries and accidents. Most are minor, but it’s a good idea to know what to do if the accident or injury is more serious.

Start by learning some basic first aid, or revise what you already know. St John Ambulance, British Red Cross and your local NHS Ambulance Service run first aid courses.
Your health visitor or local children’s centre may also run courses.

First Aid Courses, Advice & Volunteering
As the nation's leading first aid charity, St John Ambulance offers training courses, advice, volunteering opportunities, event support, products and more.
The British Red Cross | Worldwide Humanitarian Charity
The British Red Cross helps people in crisis, whoever and wherever they are. We are part of a global voluntary network, responding to conflicts, natural disaste...

If your child has an accident:子供が事故に遭われた場合

It can be difficult to know when to call an ambulance and when to take your child to the accident and emergency department (A&E).
Use the following as a guide:

Call an ambulance if your child:子供が下記の場合は救急車を呼ぶ

・stops breathing
・is struggling for breath (for example, you may notice them breathing fast, panting, becoming very wheezy, or see the muscles just under their ribcage sucking in when they breathe in)
・is unconscious or seems unaware of what’s going on
・has a cut that will not stop bleeding or is gaping open
・will not wake up
・has a fit for the first time, even if they seem to recover

Take your child to A&E if they:子供が下記の場合はA&Eに連れて行く

・have a leg or arm injury and cannot use the limb
・have swallowed a poison or tablets

Read more about poisoning.

Read about the signs and symptoms of poisoning and find out what to do if you think someone has been poisoned.

If you’re worried about your child and are not sure if they need medical help, call NHS 111.
If you’re unsure whether you should move your child, make sure they’re warm and call an ambulance.

Objects in a child’s nose or ears:子供の鼻や耳に異物が入った場合

If your child has something lodged firmly in their nose or ear, leave it where it is. You may push it further in if you try to remove it.
Take your child to the nearest A&E department or minor injuries unit.

If their nose is blocked, show your child how to breathe through their mouth.
If your child has a button battery lodged in their nose or ear, take them to A&E straight away as this is an emergency.

If a child has a cut:子供が切傷を負った場合

If there’s a lot of bleeding, press firmly on the wound with a clean cloth, such as a tea towel or flannel. Use your fingers if you do not have a clean cloth.
If there’s an object embedded in the wound, like a piece of glass, press around the edges of the object, rather than directly on it.

Press until the bleeding stops. This may take 10 minutes or more. Do not tie anything around the injury so tightly that it stops the circulation.
If possible, raise the injured limb. This will help to stop the bleeding. Do not do it if you think the limb might be broken.

If you can find a clean dressing, cover the wound. If blood soaks through the pad or dressing, leave it there and put another pad or dressing over the top.
It’s very unusual for a wound to bleed so much that there’s serious blood loss.

An ambulance is not usually needed, but if the cut keeps bleeding or there’s a gap between the edges of the wound, go to A&E or a minor injuries unit.
If you think there may be something in the cut, such as a piece of glass, go to A&E.

If your child’s immunisations are not up to date, ask your GP or the hospital whether they should have a tetanus jab.

Burns and scalds in children:小児の火傷

Remove any clothing or jewellery that’s near the burnt area of skin, including nappies. But do not try to remove anything that’s stuck to the burnt skin, as this could cause more damage.

Immediately put the burn or scald under cool running water for 20 to 30 minutes, to reduce the heat in the skin.
If there’s no running water, immerse the burn or scald in cold water or use any other cool fluid, such as milk or another cold drink.
Make sure the child does not get too cold. Use a coat or blanket to keep them warm if necessary.

Use clingfilm or a clean plastic bag, or something clean and non-fluffy like a cotton pillowcase or linen tea towel, to cover the burn or scald. This will reduce the risk of infection.
Do not put butter, toothpaste, oil or ointment on a burn or scald.

Depending on the severity of the burn or scald, see your GP or go to a minor injuries unit or A&E.

Blisters will burst naturally. The raw area underneath them needs a protective dressing. Ask your pharmacist or practice nurse for advice.

Read more about burns and scalds.

Burns and scalds
Burns and scalds are damage to the skin caused by heat. Both are treated in the same way.

If a child swallows a button battery:子供がボタン電池を飲み込んだ場合

If your child swallows a button battery or you think they may have swallowed one, take them to A&E straight away.
Button batteries are small round, silver batteries found in lots of electrical toys and devices.
As well as being a choking hazard, button batteries can cause internal burns, internal bleeding, and sometimes death.
They can also cause burns if they’re lodged in a child’s nose or ear.

The Child Accident Prevention Trust website has more information and advice about button batteries

Button Batteries
Button Batteries “It turns out this is one of the most damaging and dangerous things that my beautiful boy could have ever swallowed. It does not get much w...

If a child feels unwell or faint after an accident:事故の後、子供が気分が悪くなったり、失神したりした場合

If your child looks pale or feels unwell after an accident, lie them down. Keep them covered up and warm, but not too hot.
If your child feels faint, get them to keep their head down or, ideally, lie down. The faint feeling should wear off in a minute or two.

Find out more about:

・high temperature (fever) in children
・febrile seizures

High temperature (fever) in children
Find out how to check if your child has a high temperature (fever), what you can do to bring their temperature down, and when to get medical help.
Febrile seizures
Find out about febrile seizures (febrile convulsions or fits), which can sometimes happen when a child has a high temperature (fever).

Electrocution in children:子供の感電事故

Always turn off the power before approaching your child.
If this is not possible, push the child away from the source of the electricity with a wooden or plastic object, such as a broom handle.
Try tapping their feet or stroking their neck and shouting “hello” or “wake up”.
If you get no response from your child, you must follow the resuscitation sequence.

Broken bones in children:子供の骨折

If you think your child’s neck or spine may be injured, call an ambulance. Do not move them. Unnecessary movement could cause paralysis.
A bone in your child’s leg or arm may be broken if they have pain and swelling, and the limb seems to be lying at a strange angle.

If you cannot easily move your child without causing pain, call an ambulance.
If you have to move your child, be very gentle. Put one hand above the injury and the other below it to steady and support it (use blankets or clothing if necessary). Comfort your child and take them to hospital.

If you think your child is in pain, give them painkillers, even if you’re going to A&E. Follow the dosage instructions on the label.

イギリス【NHS】 応急処置と安全 First aid and safety
