イギリス【NHS】 赤ちゃんの体温の測り方 How to take your baby’s temperature

How to take your baby's temperature
Find out about what to do if you're worried your baby has a high temperature, including the best way to take their temperature and when to call a GP or 111.

A normal temperature in babies and children is about 36.4C, but this can vary slightly. A high temperature or fever is usually considered to be a temperature of 38C or above.

Your baby may have a high temperature if they:

・feel hotter than usual to touch on their forehead, back or stomach
・feel sweaty or clammy
・have flushed cheeks

If you think your baby has a high temperature, it’s best to check their temperature with a thermometer. This can help you work out whether you need to get medical advice.

How do I take my child’s temperature?:子供の体温はどのように測れば良いのか?

Ideally, you need a digital thermometer to get a fast, accurate reading.
You can buy these online or from pharmacies and most large supermarkets.

To take your child’s temperature:

・Hold them comfortably on your knee and put the thermometer in their armpit – always use the thermometer in the armpit with children under 5 years.
・Gently, but firmly, hold their arm against their body to keep the thermometer in place for however long it says in the manufacturer’s instructions – usually about 15 seconds. Some digital thermometers beep when they’re ready.
・The display on the thermometer will then show your child’s temperature.
・あなたの膝の上に快適に子供を保持し、子供の脇の下に温度計を置いてください – 5歳未満の子供には、常に脇の下に温度計を使用してください。
・優しく、しかししっかりと、メーカーの指示に記載されている時間、所定の位置に体温計を保持するために子供の腕を保持してください – 通常約15秒です。いくつかのデジタル体温計は、準備ができているときにビープ音が鳴ります。

How can I make sure the reading is accurate?:読み取りを正確に行う方法は?

If you use a digital thermometer in your child’s armpit and follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully, you should get an accurate reading.

There are a few things that can slightly alter the reading – for example, if your child has been:

・wrapped up tightly in a blanket
・in a very warm room
・very active
・cuddling a hot water bottle
・wearing a lot of clothes
・having a bath

If this is the case, allow them to cool down for a few minutes, but do not let them get cold or shivery, then take their temperature again to see if there’s any change.

Other types of thermometer:その他の温度計の種類

You can buy other types of thermometer, but they may not be as accurate as a digital thermometer for taking a baby or young child’s temperature:

Ear (tympanic) thermometers:耳(鼓膜)温度計

These allow you to take a temperature reading from the ear and are quick but expensive; they can give misleading readings if you do not put them in the ear correctly, which is more likely to happen with babies because their ear holes are so small

Strip-type thermometers:ストリップタイプの体温計

These are held against the forehead and are not an accurate way of taking a temperature. They show the temperature of the skin, rather than the body

You should never use an old-fashioned glass thermometer containing mercury. These can break, releasing small splinters of glass and highly poisonous mercury. They’re no longer used in hospitals and you cannot buy them in shops.

If your child is exposed to mercury, get medical advice immediately.

What causes a high temperature in children?:子どもの体温が高くなる原因は?

A high temperature is usually a sign that your child’s body is trying to fight an infection.
Some babies and young children get a high temperature after having their vaccinations. This should go away quite quickly by itself. If you’re concerned, speak to a health visitor or GP.

What should I do if my baby has a high temperature?:赤ちゃんが高熱を出したら、どうしたら良いのか?

You can usually look after your baby or child at home when they have a high temperature. Make sure you give them plenty of drinks, to avoid dehydration. If you’re breastfeeding, offer your baby plenty of feeds.

Always contact a GP or call 111 if:

・your child has other signs of illness, such as a rash, as well as a high temperature
・your baby’s temperature is 38C or higher if they’re under 3 months old
・your baby’s temperature is 39C or higher if they’re 3 to 6 months old

If you need to speak to someone outside normal surgery hours, you can call your GP surgery’s out-of-hours service (if they have one) or NHS 111.
通常の手術時間外に誰かと話す必要がある場合は、かかりつけのGP病院の時間外サービス(ある場合)またはNHS 111に電話することができます。

Read more about what to do if your child has a high temperature.

High temperature (fever) in children
Find out how to check if your child has a high temperature (fever), what you can do to bring their temperature down, and when to get medical help.

イギリス【NHS】 健康 Health
